Ausrüstung und Verarbeitung
Gebrauchte Maschinen für die Druck- und Papierindustrie; Gebrauchte Maschinen zum Schneiden von Papier, Pappe und Zellstoff, Wickelmaschinen für Papierrollen; Gebrauchte Riesverpackungsmaschinen, Gebrauchte Abwickelmaschinen für Papierrollen, Gebrauchte Papierkalander us.w.
Hauptbild | Name | Hersteller | Typ | Größe | Kapazität |
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Rollenschneider Nicely 1450 mmThickness of materials 0,075 mm - 0,6 mm Weight loading capacity: Max 2000 kg Material width: 500 mm - 1450 mm Unwind core diameter: 76,2 / 152,4 mm paper core Max rewind diameter: 600 mm Rewind core diameter: 75,2 / 152,4 mm Mechanical speed: 250 m/min |
Nicely Taiwan | — | 1450 mm | 250 m/min |
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Kleinrollenschneider Nicely Taiwan 1450 mmThickness of materials 0,075 mm - 0,6 mm Weight loading capacity: Max 2000 kg Material width: 500 mm - 1450 mm Unwind core diameter: 76,2 / 152,4 mm paper core Max rewind diameter: 600 mm Rewind core diameter: 75,2 / 152,4 mm Width of cut: Rewind only Mechanical speed: 250 m/min
Nicely Taiwan | EG 7003 DC 1 | 1450 mm | 10 - 250 m/min |
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Umroller Titan 1500 mmMax. Stegbreite (mm): 1600 Abroll -Typ : Spindel Überholung: 2012 |
Titan | SR6 | 1500 mm | — |
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Guillotine Creuso - Loire B150 |
Creuso - Loire | B 150 ELEC | 150 cm | — |
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Rollenschneider Jagenberg 1600mmmax. Jumbo-Rollengewicht: 500kg max. Abwickeldurchmesser: 1000mm max. Jumbo-Rollenbreite: 1600mm Schhnittbreite: min. 50mm max. 1600mm Wickeldurchmesser: max. 800mm Stahlteile lackiert |
Jagenberg | — | 1600 mm | min speed: 10m/min - max. speed:100m/min |
— | Rollenschneider ChuangFeng CFFQ-100, 1600 mmArbeitsbreite = 1600 mm |
CHUANGFENG | CFFQ-100 | 1600 mm | 250 m/min |
— | Umroller Kampf 1600 mmFor BOPP, LDPE, Paper, Aluminum Working width: 1600 mm Max diameter: 1000 mm Speed max.: 600 m/min Photocell web guide. Water cooling Unwinding and rewinding without air shafts. Possible for rewinding with air shafts – 2 shafts avaible. Cones core holder 76mm and 152mm for winding/unwinding Central drum. 4 individual stations with controls for each pair of wrapping arms 2 additional pairs of winding arms available – means up to 6 separate rewind stations Meter stop Lowering hydraulically Axleless handling with hydraulic lifting device Double-sided controlled pneumatic brakes Cutting device for blades and circular knives - Both knives art The machine is suitable for foils and paper. |
Kampf | — | 1600 mm | — |
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Rollenschneider KS/P 1700 Pasaban |
Pasaban | KS/P | 1700 | — |
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2-facher Wendeabwickler2-facher Wendeabwickler Rollen-Breite: 1800mm 1Rolle max. Ø 1200mm Zwischen den 2 Abwickelstangen beträgt der Abstand 95cm 2Rollen mit einem max. Ø 90cm |
— | Turrent unwind station | 1800 mm | — |
— | Rollenverpackungsanlage Lamb 1800 mm breitMax. Rollendurchmesser 1,45 m |
Lamb | — | 1800 mm width max | 20 Rolls per hour |