Papier- Wellpappe- Kartonverarbeitungsmaschinen

Gebrauchte Maschnen zum Verarbeiten von Papier, Wellpappe und Karton

Hauptbild Name Hersteller Typ Größe Kapazität

Folding Gluing machine Jagenberg Simplex 875II

Second hand / used Folding Gluing machine Jagenberg Simplex 875II

4 and 6 points for glue

Documentation available

Jagenberg Simplex 875 II

Faltschachtelklebemaschine Jagenberg Diana 115 - 3

Faltschachtelklebemaschine 115-3
Wellenarten: von F- Welle bis E- Welle, stehende B-Welle nur mit geringer Laufleistung

Normale Faltschachtel:
Kaliber Karton und Welle: von 0,25 - 3 mm
Grammatur: von 200 - 900 g/m²
Einzug: 40 x 900 mm
Breite min. x max.: 145 x 1150 mm
Klebelasche: 5 - 40 mm
Maß von der Klebelasche bis zur 4-ten Rillung maximal 990 mm
Kaliber: von 0,25 - 3 mm
Grammatur: von 250 - 900 g/m²
Einzug: 55 x 900 mm
Breite min. x max.: 190 x 1080 mm
Klebelasche: 10 - 40 mm
Maß von der Klebelasche ersten Rillung bis zur 4-ten Rillung maximal 990mm


Jagenberg Diana 115 -3

Etikettierer Markem A41014

Markem A 41014

Die cutting machine Titan Erba EM 4

Dimensions within frame 1000 x 1400 mm
Moving table dimensions 1030 x 1440 mm
Max. cutting dimensions (without frame) 1000 x 1420 mm
Max. sheet size 1015 x 1445 mm
Speed 750 - 1200 sheets/hour
Motor power 9 Kw
Total power 11 Kw
Dimensions 2560 x 2230 mm

Titan Erba EM4

Curioni 4 color Rotary Die Cutter

Curioni 4 color Rotary Die Cutter

Item description

1 Drive for Rotary Die Cutter

1 Extend-o-feed lead-edge feeder

1 Side jogger

4 Raffaello bottom printing flexo unit (2 roll to roll 2 Chambered Doctor Blades)


1 Rotary die cutting unit

1 Synchro Drive

1 Grinder

1 Computer operated automation Master II


Curioni 4

Curioni 2000NT 4 color Flexo Folder Gluer made by BW Papersystems

Curioni 2000NT 4 color Flexo Folder Gluer made by BW papersystems

Item description 

1 Drive for Flexo Folder Gluer 

1 Extend-o-feed lead-edge feeder

4 Bottom printing flexo unit

1 Powered slotting unit 

1 Rotary die cutting unit 

1 Folder-gluer-counter-ejector

1 K-belts 

1 Glue extrusion unit 

1 Rotary brush

1 Misalignment detector

1 Computer operated automation Master II

BW Papersystems Curioni 2000NT

Curioni 2000NT 3 color Flexo Folder Gluer made by BW Papersystems

Curioni 2000NT 3 color Flexo Folder Gluer made by BW Papersystems

Item description

1 Drive for Flexo Folder Gluer

1 Extend-o-feed lead-edge feeder

3 Bottom printing flexo unit

1 Powered slotting unit

1 Rotary die cutting unit

1 Folder-gluer

1 Glue extrusion unit

1 Rotary brush

1 Top loading Counter Ejector

1 Computer operated automation Master II

BW papersystems Curioni 2000NT

Combined Cutline 1632 Martin

Second hand / used combined cutline 1632

Prefeeder PARA
Martin suction plate feeder
2 color printing
Simple slotter
Rotary cutter
Folder from above
Valco gluing machine
Rapidex stapler
Counter ejector from below
MOSCA Bundle Tying Machine

Equipment maintained and still functional.
Martin 1632