Weitere Papierverarbeitungsmaschinen

Weiter Maschinen für die Papierverarbeitung

Hauptbild Name Hersteller Typ Größe Kapazität

Heftmaschine Krupp

Einschubtiefe: 500 mm
Die Maschine ist auf 2,5mm Flachdrat von der Rolle umgerüstet.(kein Runddrat).
Starkstromanschluß: 16 A
Krupp ZH20

Die cutting machine WUPA PS 6.3

grey cardboard from                           600 - 1200 g/m²

Thickness:                                         from 0.15 - 6 mm


Grammage:                                       from 180 - 1200 g/m²

Minimum sheet size:                          590 x 700 mm

Sheet format, maximum:                  1015 x 1410 mm

Cutter-to-cutter:                                 995 x 1390 mm

Start of sheet to 1st cutter:                15 mm


            Wave types:                           F-wave





Double waves: FF-wave






For solid board or corrugated board with a thickness of 0.75 to 8 mm

Cover sheet: paper or solid board from 120 - 700 g/m²

Minimum format:                   Width: 500 mm

                                               Length: 500 mm

Maximum format:                  Width: 1650 mm

           Length: 1650 mm

Glue types:                             vinyl-containing cold glue or corn glue

Tolerance:                              +/- 0.5 mm with good material quality

Max. mech. speed:                3,500 sheets/hour (depending on material quality, sheet format)

             material quality, the sheet format and the operator)

Klett 165 - 165 Zero max 165 x 165 cm 3500 sheet per hour

Near to new channel dryer 0,8 m width

Manufacturer:            Ahlbrandt

Conveyor with:           0,8 m

Condition:                   very good

Heated by:                  Gas

Max temp:                  130 °C

 Consisting of:             4 drying modules from each 4m long.


2 of them are connected by a single conveyor belt and the 2

others modules have their own conveyor belt.


Each unit has its own 200 kW gas heater (could be easily re

build to other heating systems), 15 kW circulation fan and 7.5

kW extraction fan.


The conveyor belt has a width of 0.8 m and is driven by an au

tomatic belt alignment system.


Ahlbrandt Hot Air Dryer 0,8 m width

Manuelle Verpackungsmaschine Kallfass KW 18090

Kallfass KW 18090

Stapelpresse PDS 610 Remak

Pneumatic power supply: 8 bar

Gluing: 4 sides

Remak PDS 610

Spout insertion machine made by Hesen

Technische Information:

Taschenformat: Breit 120 – 280 mm  Länge 180 – 325 mm
Auslauf: Pöppelmann Ø 10,5mm & Ø 17,5mm   Menshen Ø 10,5mm
Geschwindigkeit: bis zu 50 Beutel/min, abhängig von der Folienkombination
Folientypen: PET-O / Alu / PE    PET-O / PA-O / PE
                     PET-O/PE mit/ohne EVOH
                     PP-O/PE mit/ohne EVOH
                     PA-O / PE
                     PE-O / PE mit EVOH
Filmstärke: 80 – 280µ

Hensen Packaging Concept HPC SI 350 Bag format: Wide 120 – 280mm Length 180 – 325mm

Folien Schrumpftunnel Kalfasss zur Produktverpackung

Gebrauchter Folienschrumpftunnel / Folienverpackungsmaschine vom Hersteller Kallfasss in sehr gutem Zustand.

Mehrere sind verfügbar.

Kallfass Super Wrap 650