
Hauptbild Name Hersteller Typ Größe Kapazität

Liquid Ring Vacuum Pump IG1002

Model IG1002
Suction Flow 1200 - 2100 m3/h
Vacuum 200 - 600 mm Hg
Maximum power 45 KW
Liquid temperature 20ºC PH= 6, TH= 18º
Suction connection DN125
Supply connection DN100
Liquid ring connection 1”G
Shaft diameter 70 mm

Igasi IG1002

Liquid Ring Vacuum Pump BV5/1

Model BV5/1
Suction Flow 1200 - 2100 m3/h
Vacuum 200 - 600 mm Hg
Maximum power 45 KW
Liquid temperature 20ºC PH= 6, TH= 18º
Suction connection DN125
Supply connection DN100
Liquid ring connection 1”G
Shaft diameter 70 mm

Igasi BV5-1

Liquid Ring Vacuum Pump IG1001

Model IG1001
Suction Flow 1200 - 2100 m3/h
Vacuum 200 - 600 mm Hg
Maximum power 45 KW
Liquid temperature 20ºC PH= 6, TH= 18º
Suction connection DN125
Supply connection DN100
Liquid ring connection 1”G
Shaft diameter 70 mm

Igasi IG1001

Die cutting machine WUPA PS 6.3

grey cardboard from                           600 - 1200 g/m²

Thickness:                                         from 0.15 - 6 mm


Grammage:                                       from 180 - 1200 g/m²

Minimum sheet size:                          590 x 700 mm

Sheet format, maximum:                  1015 x 1410 mm

Cutter-to-cutter:                                 995 x 1390 mm

Start of sheet to 1st cutter:                15 mm


            Wave types:                           F-wave





Double waves: FF-wave





Faltschachtelklebemaschine Jagenberg Diana 115 - 3

Faltschachtelklebemaschine 115-3
Wellenarten: von F- Welle bis E- Welle, stehende B-Welle nur mit geringer Laufleistung

Normale Faltschachtel:
Kaliber Karton und Welle: von 0,25 - 3 mm
Grammatur: von 200 - 900 g/m²
Einzug: 40 x 900 mm
Breite min. x max.: 145 x 1150 mm
Klebelasche: 5 - 40 mm
Maß von der Klebelasche bis zur 4-ten Rillung maximal 990 mm
Kaliber: von 0,25 - 3 mm
Grammatur: von 250 - 900 g/m²
Einzug: 55 x 900 mm
Breite min. x max.: 190 x 1080 mm
Klebelasche: 10 - 40 mm
Maß von der Klebelasche ersten Rillung bis zur 4-ten Rillung maximal 990mm


Jagenberg Diana 115 -3

Liquid Ring Vacuum Pump BV5/1

Model BV5/1
Suction Flow 1200 - 2100 m3/h
Vacuum 200 - 600 mm Hg
Maximum power 45 KW
Liquid temperature 20ºC PH= 6, TH= 18º
Suction connection DN125
Supply connection DN100
Liquid ring connection 1”G
Shaft diameter 70 mm

Igasi BV-1

Liquid Ring Vacuum Pump IG1002

Model IG1002
Suction Flow 1200 - 2100 m3/h
Vacuum 200 - 600 mm Hg
Maximum power 45 KW
Liquid temperature 20ºC PH= 6, TH= 18º
Suction connection DN125
Supply connection DN100
Liquid ring connection 1”G
Shaft diameter 70 mm

Igasi IG1002

Screw compressor CompAir Sirius 160 WD

Screw compressor

Manufacturer: CompAir

Type: Sirius 160 WD

Settled: 6,0

7,5 bar

12 - 28,5m³/min

CompAir Sirius

Reject shredder / Einwellenzerfaserer Weima WLK20SJ

Rejektschredder von Weima

Einwellenzerkleinerer WLK20SJ Hydro

Inklusive Hydraulikaggregat

Weima Einwellenzerkleinerer WLK20SJ inklusive Hydraulikaggregat

Liquid Ring Vacuum Pump IG3002

Model IG3002
Suction Flow 3600 - 6000 m3/h
Vacuum 200 - 600 mm Hg
Maximum power 132 KW
Liquid temperature 20ºC PH= 6, TH= 18º
Suction connection DN200
Supply connection DN150
Liquid ring connection 1”G
Shaft diameter 100 mm
