
Hauptbild Name Hersteller Typ Größe Kapazität

Near to new channel dryer 0,8 m width

Manufacturer:            Ahlbrandt

Conveyor with:           0,8 m

Condition:                   very good

Heated by:                  Gas

Max temp:                  130 °C

 Consisting of:             4 drying modules from each 4m long.


2 of them are connected by a single conveyor belt and the 2

others modules have their own conveyor belt.


Each unit has its own 200 kW gas heater (could be easily re

build to other heating systems), 15 kW circulation fan and 7.5

kW extraction fan.


The conveyor belt has a width of 0.8 m and is driven by an au

tomatic belt alignment system.


Ahlbrandt Hot Air Dryer 0,8 m width

Entstipper RDM 26


Refiner DD 26 made by AGA machine

AGA DD Refiner


ABB scanning and control system 5700 mm

Measuring head with a traverse equipped with a computer system and the necessary software.

Smart Platform 1200 length 5.7 m

Equipped with sensors

Grammage (measuring range 10-500g/m2)

HEMI IR humidity (measuring range 0.5%-40%)

Advant station with streamer.


Radioactive source Kr 85 in the KR5.E02 housing (strength 9.25)

ABB 5700 mm

Etikettierroboter ABB

Etikettierer für Papierrollen von ABB

Einspeisung: 400 V AC
Zuleitung: 5 x 4mm²
Leistung: 16 kVA
Steuerspannung: 24 V DC
Baujahr: 2007

ABB IRB 6600

Siebkorb für Voith Gr 30/31 Loch 1,8 mm

- 1,8 mm hole 30 / 31 -

Siebkorb für Voith Gr 20, 1,6 mm Loch

- Voith gr 20 / VSI 20 20 -

Verpackungslinie für trockene Materialien

Linie zum Verpacken von trockenen, rieselfähigen Materialien in Karton.




- - - -

Rejectsorter RS 2

Rejectsorter RS 2 in gutem Zustand.

Die Maschine wurde überholt und danach nicht wieder in Betrieb genommen


- RS 2 RS 2 -

Twin-Wire Gapformer Newsprint machine 6800mm

Gapformer Newsprint machine:

manufacturer: Beloit

type: Twin-Wire Gapformer

year of manufacturing: 1974

years of major rebuilt: 1994 - 1996 - 2006

working width at the pope reel: 6800mm

capacity: paper machine 100 000 tpy and deinking stock preparation 70 000 tpy

operating speed: 780m/min

design speed: 1000m/min

basis weight range: 40-80g/m²

raw material: waste paper, newsprint and magazine

drive side: left in paper run direction

drive voltage: 380V

frequency: 50Hz

Twin-Wire Gapformer 6800mm

Hanssen Winder 1600 mm


manufacturer: Ahlström- Hanssen

basis weight: 120 - 600 g/m²

width: 50 - 1600 mm

max. speed: 800 m/min

max. unwind diameter: 1500 mm

unwind core diameter: 76, 100, 150 mm

max wind up diameter: 1500 mm

wind up core diameter: 76 and 100 mm

tension: 70 - 280 kg/m

time to max speed: 50 sec

brake time: 35 sec

electrical supply: 380 volt, 50 Hz

1600 mm

Kompaktor Rejectpresse diam. 550 mm

Brand new reject compactor

Type B 550

Screw diameter: 550 mm

Max throughput 300 m³/ day

Inlet Consistency: 5 % minimum
Outlet consistency: Up to 80 %
dependant on flexible to fibrous material

Screw compaktor 550 mm screw diameter


frequency inverter


Typ: SAMI800F380

Code: 61157930

Nr.: 4421EB003


The frequency inverter consists from 4 modules

Modul1: SAFUL1000F415

Modul2: SAFUC1250F500

Modul3: SAFUB630F415

Modul4: SAFUI1000F500


Motor: 560 kW

frequency inverter