
Hauptbild Name Hersteller Typ Größe Kapazität

Yankee Zylinder Voith 5000 x 5780 mm

Gebrauchter Yankee Zylinder

Durchmesser: 5000mm

Breite: 5780mm

Druck: bis 4,6 bar

Restwandstärke: 25 - 26mm


Dokumentation verfügbar


Voith 5000 x 5780 mm

Druckmaschine Holweg

Gebrauchte Druckmaschine:

Punching machine for cellophane window

Holweg FCRS N. EN 250 - -

Screw compressor CompAir Sirius 160 WD

Screw compressor

Manufacturer: CompAir

Type: Sirius 160 WD

Settled: 6,0

7,5 bar

12 - 28,5m³/min

CompAir Sirius

Tissuemaschine 2200mm

Neue Tissuemaschine 2200mm:

it consists of technological line for production Tissue paper with capacity 20 T/D from 100 % virgin pulp and one Tissue machine working width 2,2 m capacity 10 T/D.
China 10t/d

Hochkons. Drucksortierer Finckh Hico 2

Gebrauchter Hochkonsistenzsortierer Finckh Hico 2

Finckh Hico 2 High consistency screen 2

Pulper Entleermaschine Junk Screen

Winterstein Junk Screen

Contaminex CMS 200 Voith

Gebrauchter Contaminex CMS 200

Voith CMS 200

Planschneider Polar Mohr 137

Planschneider Polar Mohr 137

Polar Mohr 137 1370

Rejectsorter RS 1

Rejectsorter RS 1

Voith / Escher Wyss Rejectsorter RS 1 1 -

Sortierer Lamort ADS 5

            Gebrauchte ADS 5 Sortierer


Design double-chamber pressure sorter, first chamber perforated plate with holes, second chamber basked with slots.

Drive: motor 75 [kW], belt transmission,

Maximum concentration 3 – 4 %, depending on pulp parameters and basket/plate design.

Lamort ADS 5 ADS 5 80 tds / day