
Hauptbild Name Hersteller Typ Größe Kapazität

Reject Presse Beltec 601

Gebrauchte Rejectpresse Beltec 601 in überholtem Zustand

Beltec 601 600 mm screw diameter

Konischer Refiner Claflin 222 Bematec

Link to manufacturer website with further details about this type of machine:


Bematec Claflin 222

Corrugator WPA 2500MM made by BHS

Corrugator WPA 2500MM made by BHS

Width:                   2500 mm

Max. sizes:          4500 mm

Min sizes            500 mm

Flute type:          E, EE, B, BB, EB, C, BC


BHS WPA 2500mm 300 m/min

Corrugator BHS 2100 mm

Corrugator BHS 2100 mm

Max. sizes: 4200 mm 

Min sizes: 600 mm

Flute types: B,C, BC

BHS, Overmac, others corrugator 2100 mm 205 m/mm

Damenbindemaschine BICMA

Sanitary Napkins /  towel / pad machine made by BICMA (Germany) in very good condition

Working direction seen from the operator's side: from the right to the left
Fabrication of the products in the machine: lengthwise, (single layer)
Production centre: 225 mm from the mounting plate
Tranfer conveyor height to packaging machine: 1100 mm
production speed.: 120 m/min
air pressure: min. 6 - max.8 bar
air quantity: min. 1500 ltrs/min
water pressure: min. 3 – max. 4 bar
water quantity: min. 100 l/h

BICMA Hygiene Technologie GmbH BI 13-00

Centriscreen Drucksortierer Bird

Bird DT 68L 107 2645212001

Drucksortierer Bird Centriscreen

Bird DT 68L108

Black Clawson Ultra V 200

Gebrauchter Drucksortierer von Black Clawson Typ Ultra V 200

Black Clawson UV 200

Refiner Twin Hydradisc 24'' Black Clawson

Used Black Clawson Twin Hydradisc refiner 24'' disc diameter 


Black Clawson Twin Hydradisc 24''

Entstipper Black Clawson Hydraflaker 20.400

Gebrauchter Entstipper vom Hersteller Black Clawson Typ Hydraflaker 20.400

Black Clawson Hydraflaker 20.400 200 KW -