
Hauptbild Name Hersteller Typ Größe Kapazität

Elektrischer Siemens Motor

Siemens electrical motor

170 KW

660 V



Siemens Electrical B 5 170 KW

Hanssen Winder 1600 mm


manufacturer: Ahlström- Hanssen

basis weight: 120 - 600 g/m²

width: 50 - 1600 mm

max. speed: 800 m/min

max. unwind diameter: 1500 mm

unwind core diameter: 76, 100, 150 mm

max wind up diameter: 1500 mm

wind up core diameter: 76 and 100 mm

tension: 70 - 280 kg/m

time to max speed: 50 sec

brake time: 35 sec

electrical supply: 380 volt, 50 Hz

1600 mm

Entstipper Metso DF 1

Metso Optifiner DF 1

Entleerfiberizer Voith

Voith Fiberizer F 4

Drucksortierer Gr. 1

Horizontal screen:

size 1

manufacturer: Finckh

year of manufacturing: 1988

Finckh Horizontal screen 1

Schlitzsortierer Finckh Hico 2

Slot pressure screen:

manufacturer: Fickh

type: Hico

size: 2


Finckh Hico 2 2

Gehäuseoberteil Voith MS 20

Made in stainless steel

German manufacturer MSM 12 12

Doppelscheibenrefiner Sprout Waldron 42''

Sprout Waldron 42 - 1 B EM  Double disc refiner in good condition

Sprout - Waldron 42 - 1 B EM 42 '' disc diameter

Kompaktor Rejectpresse diam. 550 mm

Brand new reject compactor

Type B 550

Screw diameter: 550 mm

Max throughput 300 m³/ day

Inlet Consistency: 5 % minimum
Outlet consistency: Up to 80 %
dependant on flexible to fibrous material

Screw compaktor 550 mm screw diameter

Elektrischer Motor

Electrical motor made by Siemens

110 KW

740 RPM

50 Hz


Siemens Electrical motor B5 110 KW