
Hauptbild Name Hersteller Typ Größe Kapazität

Presswalze 2550 mm

4 units press rolls, rubber lined, made by Bellmer

2550 mm net width at pope reeler

weight per unit ca 15 tons

Bellmer 2550 x 1250 mm 2550 x 1250 mm net sizes 600 m/min

Kneter / Disperger von Maule

            Second hand mechanical Kneater / disperser with the possibility of pulp heating

Design three-stage system:

1. Screw conveyor - starting concentration 3.5 %, final concentration 8%, design: two parallel screw

conveyors 11 [kW] each,

2. Screw compactor - starting concentration 8 %, final concentration 25 - 30%, motor 55 [kW] with

mechanical gearbox.

3. Screw disperser - motor 110 [kW] with mechanical gearbox.

Equipped with manual valves, stable level box.

Maule Kneater 60 tds / day

Refiner Beloit Jones DD 3000

Beloit Jones DD 3000 Duoflo Refiner
Beloit Jones DD 3000 Duoflo 34 '' 65 - 400 T/day

Kufferath Egoutteur 3310 mm

Kufferath Egoutteur Typ Akuform

Siebbreite: 3310 mm

Lagermitttelabstand: 3950 mm

V - min: 700 m /min

V - max: 1000 m/min

Durchmesser: 2000 mm




Kufferath Akuform 3310 mm 700 - 1000 m/min

Fourdriner board production machine 2240 mm

Three layer board (top/middle/bottom)
1. Top:        Varibar (6 gsm)
2. Top:        Airknife (8-12 gsm)
3. Top:        Blade – Combiblade Jagenberg (9-12 gsm)
4. Back:      Varibar (5-6 gsm)
Board type: GD2, GD3, GT2, GT4, GC2,GC4, UC4
Width on Pope reel :       2240 mm
Speed range:                  70 – 200 m/min
Grammage range:          190 – 550 gsm

European Fourdriner 2240 mm trimmed with 70 - 200 m/min

Farbrohrstoffbehälter 70m³

Gebrauchter Farbrohrstoffbehälter 70m³:

4 Behälter Tanks mit Rührwerk


Anlage zum Auflösen von nassfesten Ausschusspapieren

komplette Anlage bestehend aus: 

- Aufsteigende Eindickschnecke 

- Propfenschnecke 

- Disperger

- Antriebsmotoren

- Steuerung

- Rahmen

- Laufstege

- Antriebe

- Steuerung


Cellwood Machinery KD 710 LC 70 t/day

Tissue paper production line 74 t/day with stock preparation and rewinder

Used tissue paper production line:

Consisting of:

Stock preparation for virgin pulp

- Pulper

- Refiners 

- Screening

- Disc filter


Paper machine

Headbox: Single layer, year 1990 ies
Press section  Double (SPR + BPR), year 2000 ies
Yankee, year 2010 s
Max speed  1450 m/min

Vacuum system


Rewinder with 4 unwind stands

European 74 t/day

Siebsaugkästen / Entwässerungskästen 4950 mm neuwertig



European Double wet suction box 4950 overall width 750 m/min

Dickstoffreiniger Voith S2

Gebrauchter Dickstoffreiniger von Voith Typ S 2 in überholtem Zustand

Voith S 2 2 800 l/min