
Hauptbild Name Hersteller Typ Größe Kapazität



LZ=1370 MM

LZ = 1370 MM,

LA = 135 MM

Flanschdurchmesser 1 315 mm

Lochkreisdurchmesser 1 280 +-0,1 mm

Flanschbreite 1 22 mm

Flanschlochbohrung 1 22 +0,1 +0,3 mm

Flanschdurchmesser 2 315 mm

Lochkreisdurchmesser 2 280 +-0,1 mm

Flanschbreite 2 22 mm Flanschlochbohrung 2 22 +0,1 +0,3 mm

Drehmoment max. 80.000 Nm

Biegewinkel 15 Grad min.

Länge 1.370 mm

N=220 UpM

Wuchtgüte G6.3 ZKG mit 4x AS Flachschmiernippel mit Verlängerungsrohr, ZS mit einer Madenschraube verstopft incl.FLV - Flanschverschraubung

Trommeleindicker von Finck als Wasserfilter

Gebrauchter Trommeleindicker vom Hersteller Finckh der als Wasserfilter im Gebrauch war

Finckh 1,25 x ca 5 m

Damenbindemaschine BICMA

Sanitary Napkins /  towel / pad machine made by BICMA (Germany) in very good condition

Working direction seen from the operator's side: from the right to the left
Fabrication of the products in the machine: lengthwise, (single layer)
Production centre: 225 mm from the mounting plate
Tranfer conveyor height to packaging machine: 1100 mm
production speed.: 120 m/min
air pressure: min. 6 - max.8 bar
air quantity: min. 1500 ltrs/min
water pressure: min. 3 – max. 4 bar
water quantity: min. 100 l/h

BICMA Hygiene Technologie GmbH BI 13-00

Cutting Machine B Matic

Useful light: 1600 mm
Compressed air: Pressure Bar 6
lt 10 at 6 Bar. (each rewound)
Voltage: volt 400 three-phase Hz 50
Installed power
Main motor 3,6 kW AC
Winding motors kW 14.5 AC
Brake motor kW 14.5 AC
KW 2.2 three-phase trimmer motor
KW 0.36 three-phase fans
Three-phase kW 0.5 turret motor
Electric power kW 32
Mother coil
max width 1600 mm
max diameter 1000 mm
core diameter 76-152 mm
Derived coils
max diameter 600 mm
core diameter 76 mm
Max speed: 450 m / min.
Weight: about 3500 kg
Allowed temperature:
Min - 5 °
Max + 50 °
Max 95% HUMIDITY (without condensation)

B Matic

Messrahmen Honeywell Measurex

Honeywell Measurex 4000 ca 5000 mm trimmed width

Etikettierroboter ABB

Etikettierer für Papierrollen von ABB

Einspeisung: 400 V AC
Zuleitung: 5 x 4mm²
Leistung: 16 kVA
Steuerspannung: 24 V DC
Baujahr: 2007

ABB IRB 6600

Rejectpresse von Celtec (heute Kadant) Savemaxx SP 600

Gebrauchte Rejectpresse vom ehem. Hersteller Celtec (heute Kadant)

Typ: SP 600

Schneckendurchmesser: 600 mm

Inkl. Hydraulikaggregat

Celtec - now Kadant Savemaxx SP600

Ersatzteilpaket für Voith 0 SDM Refiner

Ersatzteilpaket für Voith 0 SDM Refiner

Bestehend aus

- Unbenützer Antriebswelle

- Garniturverstelleinheit  

- Garnituren

- Spindelstange

- 2 x Balg

- Anschlussschlauch

- Wellenschutzhülse



Voith 0 SDM Spare part set


Gebrauchter Trommelfilter

Reko externally fed Drum Screen with 630mm diameter (approx) x 1800mm long wedge wire filter drum. The unit is in Stainless Steel and includes the drum drive, solids take off doctor and internal cleaning shower. Can be used for separation of solids from waste water and process water. The slot size in the wedge wire drum is 0.9mm.


Two wire paper machine

Two wire paper machine for sale. Width over 4000 mm

Double ply paper machine, with 2 fourdriniers and headboxes.

Currently producing brown paper for containerboard: 

• 50% High Performance Fluting

• 5% Waste Based Fluting

• 30% Test Liner 1

• 15% Test Liner 3

With a weight range between 115 and 200 gsm

The following are the main PM characteristics for PM

• Operating speed up to 720 m/min

• Max drive speed 750 m/min

• Design speed dryer section 1000 m/min

• Max saleable width after rewinder 4640 m/min

European over 4000 mm