
Hauptbild Name Hersteller Typ Größe Kapazität

Folien Schrumpftunnel Kalfasss zur Produktverpackung

Gebrauchter Folienschrumpftunnel / Folienverpackungsmaschine vom Hersteller Kallfasss in sehr gutem Zustand.

Mehrere sind verfügbar.

Kallfass Super Wrap 650

Drucksortierer Bird Centriscreen

Bird DT 68L108

Contaminex Voith CM 20 überholt

Voith CM 20

Disperger Andritz CDI0 LC

- Disperger Andritz CDI0 LC

Andritz CDI0 LC

Pulper 6 m³ -- überholt

LC Pulper 6 m³ 

Die Maschine wurde überholt und ist kurzfristig verfügbar

LC Pulper 6 m³

Gas turbine plant including generator & waste heat boiler


Manufacturer: Allison /Rolls Royce

Type: 501 KB 7

year of construction: 2000

Electrical output: 4.200 kWel

Speed: 14.944min.-1 50Hz

Fuel: natural Gas H

Design temperature: 15°C

Turbine inlet temperature: 665°C (1.229°F)


Generator (in the package)

Manufacturer: Leroy Somer

Type: 3 phase synchronous

Year of manufacturing: 2000

Rated power: 5.450 kVA

Speed: 1.500 min-1

Cos phi: 0.98 (nominal 0.8)

Frequency: 50 Hz

Rated voltage: 10.5 kV

Rated current:299.7 A


Waste heat boiler behind the GT - incl. chimney

Type of smoke tube boiler with ECO

Manufacturer: Jumey

Year of construction: 2000

Fuel: Flue gases from a turbine and additional firing Eclipse

Nominal steam output: 18.5 t/h

Nominal FD pressure: 14.5 bar (g)

Max. permissible FD pressure: 18 bar (g)

Allison / Rolls Royce 501 KB 7

Block bottom paper bag machine Weber 5W

Gebrauchte Papiertütenmaschine:

Bag width: 100 - 210mm

Tube length: 260 - 530mm

Bottom width: 60 - 140mm

Weber 5W



Gas turbine plant including generator & waste heat boiler


Manufacturer: Solar Turbines

Type: Centaur 50 SoLONox

year of construction: 1997

Electrical output: 4.200 kWel

Speed: 14.944min.-1 50H

Fuel: natural Gas H

Design temperature: 15°C

Turbine inlet temperature: 665°C (1.229°F)


Generator (in the package)

Manufacturer: ABB

Type: 3 phase synchronous

Year of manufacturing: 1997

Rated power: 5.450 kVA

Speed: 1.500 rpm

Cos phi: 0.98 (nominal 0.8)

Frequency: 50 Hz

Rated voltage: 10.5 kV


Waste heat boiler behind the GT - incl. chimney

Type of smoke tube boiler with ECO

Manufacturer: Koethen

Year of construction: 2008

Fuel: Flue gases from a turbine

Perm. heat output: 7.633 kW

Nominal steam output: 13 t/h

Nominal FD pressure: 14.5 bar (g)

Max. permissible FD pressure: 18 bar (g)

FD temperature: 210°C

Water contents: 1,475l

Heating surface: 2.577 m²

Solar Turbines Centaur 50 SoLoNox

Folding Gluing machine Jagenberg Simplex 875II

Second hand / used Folding Gluing machine Jagenberg Simplex 875II

4 and 6 points for glue

Documentation available

Jagenberg Simplex 875 II