Ausrüstung und Verarbeitung

Gebrauchte Maschinen für die Druck- und Papierindustrie; Gebrauchte Maschinen zum Schneiden von Papier, Pappe und Zellstoff, Wickelmaschinen für Papierrollen; Gebrauchte Riesverpackungsmaschinen, Gebrauchte Abwickelmaschinen für Papierrollen, Gebrauchte Papierkalander us.w.

Hauptbild Name Hersteller Typ Größe Kapazität

Near to new channel dryer 0,8 m width

Manufacturer:            Ahlbrandt

Conveyor with:           0,8 m

Condition:                   very good

Heated by:                  Gas

Max temp:                  130 °C

 Consisting of:             4 drying modules from each 4m long.


2 of them are connected by a single conveyor belt and the 2

others modules have their own conveyor belt.


Each unit has its own 200 kW gas heater (could be easily re

build to other heating systems), 15 kW circulation fan and 7.5

kW extraction fan.


The conveyor belt has a width of 0.8 m and is driven by an au

tomatic belt alignment system.


Ahlbrandt Hot Air Dryer 0,8 m width

Sheet Cutter Asitrade 1450mm

2 unwind stands 

was used for testliner 

Knife load ca 600 g 


Asitrade AG 1450mm

Wellpappenverarbeitungsmaschine Heftmaschine

Bahmüller SC 25/29 S


Maschineneinheit: MS 25/29 WM-03494

Hefteinheit: HS 750 WH-03495

Maximale Zuschnittbreite (gefaltet): 2900 mm

Minimale Zuschnittbreite (gefaltet): 340 mm

Bogenhöhe (WM) max.: 2500 mm

Bogenhöhe (WM) min.: 300 mmm

Heftgeschwindigkeit: 750 Kl./min

Zusätzlich Heißleimaggregat von Fa. Bühnen Modell 4100

Bahmüller SC 25/29 S

Baier Geba 46 Präge- und Stanzanlage für Etiketten und Band

Material width up to 250 mm
Embossing format or punching format max. 240 x 200 mm
Embossing force 10 tons
Large roll unwinding - 2-fold winding
With additional equipment for multi-lane Embossed printing on textile gift ribbons (in addition 5 tape unwinding and tie rods
for different bandwidths)
Weight 2,500 kg

Overall dimensions:
 6,400 mm length
 2,100 mm height
Baier Geba 46 Width up to 250 mm

Ballenpresse mit Beschickungsband Balemaster

Balemaster EM300

Corrugator WPA 2500MM made by BHS

Corrugator WPA 2500MM made by BHS

Width:                   2500 mm

Max. sizes:          4500 mm

Min sizes            500 mm

Flute type:          E, EE, B, BB, EB, C, BC


BHS WPA 2500mm 300 m/min

Corrugator BHS 2100 mm

Corrugator BHS 2100 mm

Max. sizes: 4200 mm 

Min sizes: 600 mm

Flute types: B,C, BC

BHS, Overmac, others corrugator 2100 mm 205 m/mm

Damenbindemaschine BICMA

Sanitary Napkins /  towel / pad machine made by BICMA (Germany) in very good condition

Working direction seen from the operator's side: from the right to the left
Fabrication of the products in the machine: lengthwise, (single layer)
Production centre: 225 mm from the mounting plate
Tranfer conveyor height to packaging machine: 1100 mm
production speed.: 120 m/min
air pressure: min. 6 - max.8 bar
air quantity: min. 1500 ltrs/min
water pressure: min. 3 – max. 4 bar
water quantity: min. 100 l/h

BICMA Hygiene Technologie GmbH BI 13-00

Cutting Machine B Matic

Useful light: 1600 mm
Compressed air: Pressure Bar 6
lt 10 at 6 Bar. (each rewound)
Voltage: volt 400 three-phase Hz 50
Installed power
Main motor 3,6 kW AC
Winding motors kW 14.5 AC
Brake motor kW 14.5 AC
KW 2.2 three-phase trimmer motor
KW 0.36 three-phase fans
Three-phase kW 0.5 turret motor
Electric power kW 32
Mother coil
max width 1600 mm
max diameter 1000 mm
core diameter 76-152 mm
Derived coils
max diameter 600 mm
core diameter 76 mm
Max speed: 450 m / min.
Weight: about 3500 kg
Allowed temperature:
Min - 5 °
Max + 50 °
Max 95% HUMIDITY (without condensation)

B Matic

Bruderhaus Umroller 2450 mm mit Glättwerk

Gebrauchter Umroller vom Hersteller Bruderhaus

Abrollung: Tambour

Breite unbeschnitten: 2450 mm

Beschnittene AB: 2450 mm

Grammaturbereich: 30 - 700 g/m²

Rollendurchmesser Abwicklung: 1.800 mm

Rollendurchmesser Aufwicklung: 1.500 mm

V: 500 m/min


Bruderhaus 2450 mm net 500 m/min