
Hauptbild Name Hersteller Typ Größe Kapazität

Black Clawson Ultra V 200

Gebrauchter Drucksortierer von Black Clawson Typ Ultra V 200

Black Clawson UV 200

Rejectsorter Voith RS 3

Voith Rejectsorter RS 3

Papiertütenmaschine Profama SOS 030 - CE


Gebrauchte Profama SOS 030 - CE

6 colours printer -2ply

Photo eye pre-printed reels

Plates 18 - 20 - 24 - 26 - 31

Gears 44 - 48 - 50 - 54 - 60 - 70

Printing cylinders 44 - 48 - 50 - 54 - 60 - 70

Bag width: 18 - 34 cm

Bag length: 34- 70 cm

Tube legth: 44 - 88 cm

Profama SOS 030 CE 120 bags per minute

Bogenschneidemaschine Corta 56 P

Dürselen KG Corta 56 P

Fiberizer Voith F1 T

Voith Fiberizer F1 T

Voith Fiberizer F 1 T

Doppelscheibenrefiner 1 SDM

Gebrauchter Doppelscheibenrefiner vom Hersteller Voith Typ 1 SDM,

Voith 1 SDM

Cleaneranlage Celleco Cleanpac 700 HQ

4 Stufige Cleaneranlage von Celleco 

Cleanpac 700 HO

The Cleanpac 700 can be installed in virtually all forward cleaning application e.g. virgin and secondary fibre, stock preparation and approach flow systems. The Cleanpac 700 is the most versatile cleaner on the market and it was the first cleaner with the innovative system design based on satellite assemblies with its unmatched plant flexibility. The satellites are manufactured in standard configurations of 2, 4, 6 or 8 cleaners. Satellites are mounted on distribution headers with space for 2-14 satellites. Plants can easily be expanded through the addition of new satellites, or replacing existing ones with larger satellites. The Cleanpac 700 is the technology leader with its high cleaning efficiency, low reject rates and good runnability. The cleaner can be equipped with High capacity (HQ) inlet head, which is suitable for filler loaded applications where you want to save as much filler as possible and still maintain high cleaning efficiency. The cleaner incorporates all the reliability features of the twin-wall design; workers safety protection plugs for outer shells (no need for immediate replacement of a broken cone) easily replaceable wear parts



Celleco Cleanpac 700 HQ

Tissuemaschine 2200mm

Neue Tissuemaschine 2200mm:

it consists of technological line for production Tissue paper with capacity 20 T/D from 100 % virgin pulp and one Tissue machine working width 2,2 m capacity 10 T/D.
China 10t/d

Drucksortierer Lamort SPN 10

Lamort SPN 10

Vertikales Rührwerk Herst. Invert

Invert Vertical